2020 Counting Our Blessings

It’s been a crazy year.  One of uncertainty and definitely unprecedented times.  AND I believe, it’s been the LONGEST year in history!!  🙂

We have been told to “stay home,” “don’t travel,” “stay 6 feet away,” and “wear masks” - not just for Halloween. 

We have mantras of “social distancing,” “flatten the curve,” and “self-quarantine.” 

We even created new phrases like “zoom fatigue,” “essential businesses,” and I am sure there are so many more.

A few weeks ago, I was joking with my family that 2020 will be our thinnest photo book ever.  Our normal vacation travel plans were canceled. We chose not to gather with extended family for holidays or birthdays because we were on “safer at home” mode most of the year.  However, as we spent some time thinking about the year and gathering photos, it might be our largest photo book to date!  Life didn’t stop. Things still happened, but we did them in different ways. 

A great example of this was my daughter’s high school graduation.  We actually have 3 different groups of pictures for this one event – there was a drive-by graduation celebration on the original date of the ceremony, the rescheduled “socially distanced” walking graduation ceremony around the football track, and we held a small outdoor graduation party at our home.  And we are very grateful for each of these separate events because we enjoyed priceless moments at each of them.

A lot has happened in 2020, but what is top of mind for most of us is the COVID-19 pandemic (and maybe the Presidential election) because we are living with it and reminded of it each day.  When I did an internet search for “events of 2020,” the New York Post article I read brought to light quite a few things I had forgotten about or had not heard about due to the limited media focus.

So, as we get ready to say goodbye to 2020, let’s take a moment to reflect on the positives and blessings in our lives that came from a year like this.  Take a moment to look at the photos you have taken or review your journal entries for the year to remember the important moments that were possible because of 2020.   Has working from home allowed a new normal for your career?  I know it has for mine.  We are holding productive Family Alignment Milestones and other meetings via video conferencing.  Have you been able to “see” your family and friends more because video conferencing became the new norm?  

Whatever good came from 2020, figure out how you incorporate it into 2021 and make it a FABULOUS YEAR!


My Why


“Safer At Home” Activities For Your Family To Try